Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Texture reflection questions

I have pretty varied textures in my project. I have little pieces of paper crumbled up, wire, and wood covered in a coarse material. I explored organization pretty thoroughly in my Project because I wanted to convey my digital collage in my actual collage through layout and organization. I've come to appreciate non art materials a lot because you can do so much with them in art. My process-folio doesn't really show my process because I was sick for 2 of the 5 workdays, so I was really behind. I pushed myself hard to refine my work, especially with the paper because that took a very long time, but I pushed myself to finish. I think my composition is pretty unified because I feel that the textures all tie into each other and represent my digital collage well. I have especially become better at using photoshop because I now know how to operate most of the tools and before this class I've never used photo shop before. I think my work is free of mistakes because even though I did not have a long time to do it, I still got it done with precision. My reflective questions are a little late, but I put a lot of thought into them.